worker on the roof in the heat

5 Ways to Beat the Heat on the Job Site

Tips & How-to July 31, 2019

In the heart of summer, most people are looking for ways to avoid the heat but construction sites are buzzing with activity. If safety precautions aren’t taken it can be a huge hazard to a workers health.

Here are five ways to avoid heat-related illness or injury at a construction site:

Hydrate – Keep water within reach at all times. Make sure you are drinking every 15 to 20 minutes. This will protect you from heatstroke. Stay away from caffeinated beverages like soda or energy drinks. Remember to keep your drinks in a cool location!

Dress Accordingly – Wear lightweight and light-colored clothing to help stay cool. If you are exposed to direct sunlight wear protective sunglasses or eyewear. Apply sunscreen that is at least SPF 30, repeatedly throughout the day.

Eat Right – If you’re working in the heat, avoid a heavy protein-packed lunch. Focus on smaller snacks and light meals throughout the day.

Rest – You know your body best, if something with your body doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not. Sit in a cool place for a couple of minutes. Remember: take care of yourself, nobody will do it for you.

Don’t Ignore the Warning Signs – Watch out for your co-workers. Signs of heat exhaustion, are heavy sweating, faster pulse, dizziness, goosebumps, muscle cramps, and headache. If you notice that you or one of your co-workers is showing the symptoms of heat exhaustion, get them to a cooler location with a bottle of water.

There are many ways to stay cool during extreme heat. Incorporate as many tips as you can into your daily routine. Beat the heat and work smart.